Standard Method : EN 13302 | ASTM D2196 | ASTM D4402 | AASHTO T316
Code : B085-21
Test Method: Determines the dynamic viscosity of a substance by the rotation of a specified spindle within the sample at the speed giving the maximum torque reading on the viscometer. The resulting torque reading is used to calculate the viscosity of the substance.
– Viscosity range: 20 – 40,000,000 cP in 126 ranges
– Rotational speed range: 0.1 – 200 rpm
– Temperature range: -15 °C to +180 °C
– Resolution 0.1 °C
– Touch key board with 5 keys
– Data displayed: Selected speed: rpm; Spindle used; Dynamic viscosity: mPas or cP; Full scale percentage: %; Sample temperature : °C or °F, Auto range to display viscosity limits
– This instrument determines both relative and absolute viscosity
– RS232 bi-directional interface
– Auto alarm in the case of the viscometer works out of the used spindle range
– Stainless steel spindles R2, R3, R4, R5, R6 and R7.
Supplied as a complete system in a very robust carrying case,including a complete set of standard spindles with storage rack (6 spindles) spindle guard and calibration certificate.
Power supply: 230V 50-60Hz 1ph
Dimensions: 530 x 430 x 280 mm
Weight: 11 kg approx.
Wide viscosity range.
High accuracy ± 1% on full scale.
High repeatability ± 0.2%.
Temperature sensor PT 100 included.
High temperature precision ± 0.1 °C.
Direct readout on graphic display.
Full data display.
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