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CBR Laboratory Test Set
PT. Mora Anugerah Berkat (M.A.B) adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang laboratorium khususnya material testing untuk konstruksi / pertambangan (civil laboratorium testing equipment), peralatan yang kami supply meliputi : alat lab uji tanah (soil test equipment), alat lab uji aggregates (aggregates test equipment), alat lab uji beton (concrete test equipment), alat lab uji sement (cement test equipment), alat lab uji aspal (asphalt test equipment), alat NDT (Non Destructive Test Equipment) dan Alat Survey.
CBR Laboratory Test Set
HM-396 Pro Loader Load Frame features a high-speed platen advance to rapidly position the platen for faster set-up. Strain Rate is 0.001—0.1in/min (0.0254—2.54mm/min).
HM-397 Pro Loader Load Frame has a wider range of strain rates. The micro-stepping drive controller also allows more precise control of loading rates. Strain Rate is 0.0001—0.3in/min (0.00254—7.62mm/min).
HM-398 Pro-Loader ll Load Frame has a higher overall strain rate. This unit does not use a high-speed platen advance. Strain Rate is 0.02—2.0in/min (0.508—50.8mm/min).
BR-10 Economy Manual CBR Press has separate cranks for platen positioning and testing operation. The 10,000lbf (44.5kN) capacity press meets specifications when cranked at required speed. Load Ring, Dial Indicator, and Penetration Piston are included; this model does not require purchase of a separate Component Set. Product Dimensions: 18x13x40in (457x330x1,016mm), WxDxH.
Component Sets for CBR testing with the Pro-Loader Frames feature high quality instrumentation required to perform the laboratory CBR tests and quickly install on the Load Frames. Fixtures and brackets are included for direct mounting to the frames
HMA-684 Analog CBR Component Set includes a CBR Penetration Piston, 6,000 lbf capacity Load Ring, a 1×0.001in Dial Indicator, and Indicator Clamp.
HMA-685 Analog CBR Component Set has a 10,000lbf capacity Load Ring, CBR Penetration Piston, a 1×0.001in Dial Indicator, and Indicator Clamp.
HMA-685D Digital CBR Component Set includes a CBR Penetration Piston, 10,000lbf Load Cell with 2in travel Displacement Transducer that connects to the included two-channel Digital Readout. A Transducer Clamp is also included. Select this Component Set for use with GEO-DAS Data Acquisition Software.
HMA-751 CBR/LBR Software is part of the Geotechnical Data Acquisition Suite (GEO-DAS) of software applications, custom-designed for data collection from Gilson’s Karol-Warner two-channel or four-channel digital readouts. Software collects and analyzes data for both CBR and Florida FM-5-515 Limerock Bearing Ratio Test. Specimen Information is input through simple, interactive menus. Real-time
Test information is collected and displayed in graphical or tabular format, allowing on-the-spot monitoring of test progress. Data is easily switched between metric and imperial units and is saved automatically. The software can be downloaded as an executable file for a free 30-day evaluation period. An activation code for permanent use can be purchased at the end of the trial period. GEO-DAS Applications for direct
shear, triaxial, unconfined, and consolidation are also available and listed separately.
HMA-94 Rolling Load Frame Cart is sturdy bolted steel construction and positions load frames at the proper working height. Rugged casters allow convenient placement.
PT. Mora Anugerah Berkat adalah perusahaan yang sudah berpengalaman dalam menyediakan/mensupply peralatan laboratorium untuk sipil/pertambangan seperti CBR Laboratory Test Set , kami juga menyediakan peralatan baik lokal maupun custom (khusus) yang sudah teruji dan sesuai dengan ASTM,kami juga menyediakan berbagai brand/merk internasional dari USA, Eropa dan China,produk internasional yang kami supply/tawarkan seperti : MATEST, GILSON, FORNEY, HUMBOLDT, CONTROL, ELE, UTEST, RETSCH, Endecotts, HMP, PROCEQ, HILTI dan lain – lain ; Kami juga menyediakan Jasa Perbaikan (SERVICE), Jasa Perawatan (Maintenace) dan support untuk KALIBRASI / AKSESSORIES SPAREPART jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami marketing dan sales kami siap membantu menjawab segala kebutuhan anda.
CBR Laboratory Test Set
PT. Mora Anugerah Berkat (M.A.B)
Click Here : Gilson CBR Test Laboratory System Product
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Phone : 021 7345.7064
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