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[A122-10] Tilt Test
[A122-10] Tilt Test
PT. Mora Anugerah Berkat (M.A.B) adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang laboratorium khususnya material testing untuk konstruksi / pertambangan (civil laboratorium testing equipment), peralatan yang kami supply meliputi : alat lab uji tanah (soil test equipment), alat lab uji aggregates (aggregates test equipment), alat lab uji beton (concrete test equipment), alat lab uji sement (cement test equipment), alat lab uji aspal (asphalt test equipment), alat NDT (Non Destructive Test Equipment) dan Alat Survey.
MATEST – Tilt Test
Code : A122-10
The instrument measures the roughness coefficient of a joint. The unit is also designed to test the possible fluage tendency of bituminous mixtures covering a slope of a dam subject to high sun radiations.
The fluage tendency is the permanent viscous deformation of a material. The apparatus consists of an inclined adjustable plane on which the sample is placed.
Inclination angle: 0 – 75°
Max. sample diameter: 100 mm
The plane is slowly tilted until sliding of the upper surface of specimen on the lower one occurs. The roughness index can be evaluated from the measured inclination angle.
Dimensions : 270 x 175 x 265 mm
Weight : 5 kg approx.
PT. Mora Anugerah Berkat adalah perusahaan yang sudah berpengalaman dalam menyediakan/mensupply peralatan laboratorium untuk sipil/pertambangan seperti [A122-10] Tilt Test, kami juga menyediakan peralatan baik lokal maupun custom (khusus) yang sudah teruji dan sesuai dengan ASTM,kami juga menyediakan berbagai brand/merk internasional dari USA, Eropa dan China,produk internasional yang kami supply/tawarkan seperti : MATEST, GILSON, FORNEY, HUMBOLDT, CONTROL, ELE, UTEST, RETSCH, Endecotts, HMP, PROCEQ, HILTI dan lain – lain.
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